to all intents and purposes
- to all intents and purposes
фактически, на деле, по существу, в сущности; действительно; во всех отношениях
As for the general condition of the country, it was as it had been when I arrived in it, to all intents and purposes. (M. Twain, ‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court’, ch. 10) — В стране, в сущности, ничего не изменилось с того времени, как я приехал туда.
Frome: " all practical intents and purposes he was not responsible for his actions." (J. Galsworthy, ‘Justice’, act II) — Фроум: "...фактически он не нес ответственности за свои действия."
Her letter is perfectly lucid. There is no trace of compulsion. To all intents and purposes she has married him of her own free-will... (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Magician’, ch. X) — Письмо Маргарет предельно ясно. Никаких признаков, что оно написано под диктовку. Она действительно вышла замуж за Хаддо по собственной воле...
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all intents and purposes — is colorless, redundant, and hackneyed. Almost any other expression would be an improvement. He is, to all intents and purposes, king of the island (Mail on Sunday) would be instantly made better by changing the central phrase to in effect … Dictionary of troublesome word
to all intents and purposes — adverb in every practical sense to all intents and purposes the case is closed the rest are for all practical purposes useless • Syn: ↑for all practical purposes, ↑for all intents and purposes * * * IN EFFECT, effectively, in essence, essentially … Useful english dictionary
for all intents and purposes — adverb in every practical sense to all intents and purposes the case is closed the rest are for all practical purposes useless • Syn: ↑for all practical purposes, ↑to all intents and purposes * * * to all intents and ˈpurposes idiom ( … Useful english dictionary
(to) all intents and purposes — to all intents and ˈpurposes idiom (BrE) (NAmE for all intents and ˈpurposes) in the effects that sth has, if not in reality; almost completely • By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed … Useful english dictionary
to all intents and purposes — in all the most important ways. We ve got a few odd things to finish, but to all intents and purposes the job is done. They redesigned the old model and created something which was to all intents and purposes a brand new car … New idioms dictionary
for all intents and purposes — to all intents and purposes if you sublet your apartment, realize that you are for all intents and purposes a landlord Syn: in effect, effectively, in essence, essentially, virtually, practically; more or less, just about, all but, as good as, in … Thesaurus of popular words
To all intents and purposes — Intent In*tent , n. [OE. entent, entente, attention, purpose, OF. entente, F. entente understanding, meaning; a participial noun, fr. F. & OF. entendre. See {Intend}.] The act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a design; a purpose;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
for all intents and purposes — almost completely. Escape from that prison was, for all intents and purposes, impossible. A licensed physician s assistant is to all intents and purposes a doctor … New idioms dictionary
to all intents and purposes — This means in all the most important ways … The small dictionary of idiomes
to all intents and purposes — ► to all intents and purposes in all important respects. Main Entry: ↑intent … English terms dictionary
to all intents and purposes — {adv. phr.} In most ways; in fact. * /The president is called the head of state, but the prime minister, to all intents and purposes, is the chief executive./ … Dictionary of American idioms